Overview of appraise a screenplay for a cinema feature film or a TV movie

The aim of “Appraise a screenplay for a cinema feature film or a TV movie” is to train 12 professionals to have a more methodical approach to reading, analising and evaluating scripts for the screen and TV.
Target audience: producers, commissionning editors, junior producers in charge of development, members of subsidies commissions for writing and producing funds, screewriting workshops directors, screenwriters and writer-directors wishing to evolve into consulting and co-writing, film distributors, professional screenplay readers, international rights film buyers, Sofica members, institutionnal representatives in charge of cinema, etc.
All professionals working in the screenwriting and/or re-writing process wishing to perfect their analysis skills and script evaluations.
- Suggesting rewriting directions.
- Analysing the dramaturgic elements of a script.
- Identify the author’s intent, extract the core problematic of a screenplay.
- Question the story and the narrative in regard to the autor’s intent: acts, point of view, characterisation construction, and the spectator’s view.
- Identify the strength and weakness of the subject, story, narrative, characters and the dialogs.
- Identify the genre of the project, be able to analyse the conformity to its standard codes.
- Analysing the typology of a film (film categories, target audience, financers) and situating the project into its production context and exhibition/broad-/streamcasting options.
This workshop is opened only to French-fluent participants who will work on a French-written dossier.
Here is the full and updated presentation in French, with admission process infos and dates, session dates, application and tuition fees, etc.
Carine Burstein
Project Manager
+33 (0)1 53 41 21 12