Heads of Department

The Heads of Department are working industry professionals who have a solid experience in the specialisation of their given department. They are recruited for their professional skills and their aptitude for passing on their know-how to others.
To bring a range of experience to each department and ensure the department is always in good hands even when one head is away on a temporary assignment, each department has two heads (and sometimes three, depending on requirements) who coordinate the department as a team.
The heads of department are responsible for one teaching department and work in conjunction with the director of programmes to:
- devise and develop teaching in their discipline,
- monitor the educational progress of the students in their department,
- choose the tutors and other professionals involved in teaching, competitive elements and the awarding of degrees,
- assess the work of students at each stage of the course and at the end of the programme,
- propose the subjects of the tests specific to their department for the competitive entrance exams,
- take part in general discussions on developing teaching at the School,
- form a bridge between the professional industry and the School,
- contribute to discussions concerning development of the School’s technical facilities.