Teaching is assured by tutors who are all working industry professionals. La Fémis does not have a permanent faculty staff. Under the direction of the heads of department who devise the programmes, over 500 professionals come on board each year as tutors (for periods varying from three-hour classes to three-month modules) for classes, workshops, practical exercises and masterclasses.
NB: A full list of the tutors who taught during the 2012-2013 school year is being compiled and will soon be available on the website.
Tutors are hired by the School on the recommendation of the heads of department or selected by the director of programmes from active working professionals. They provide theoretical or practical instruction in their area of specialisation over a specific time frame for each exercise or a given teaching module. They may also be invited to present their professional experience or personal works to the students.
Information on the teaching content of each intervention and the place of the intervention within the full programme are supplied to each tutor by the heads of department and the year managers. Assessment is an integral part of the School’s teaching approach and therefore the mission of our tutors.
Read the latest news about our tutors at the School