
The School has a very outward looking approach to learning so several modules have been created with art schools in France. La Fémis is also an active member of the European Film School Network and has arranged numerous exchange programmes with overseas students.

Modules in partnership with other schools in France

La Fémis has teamed up with other art schools, most of which under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Communications, to organise joint modules with students at these schools:

—  CNSAD (National Academy of the Dramatic Arts: a Directing Actors Workshop has been created for first-year students at La Fémis as part of the common core syllabus; a second workshop is organised for third-year film directing students and CNSAD students led by a well-known actor.
—  CNSMDP (National Academy of Music and Dance of Paris): a common module on the culture, history and aesthetics of film music brings together students at La Fémis and students studying for the Conservatoire’s Diploma in Film Score Composition. Training is also offered to students at the Academy on the foundations of filmmaking, a short 10-day course during which students get to produce a short film and try their hand at each role in the process.
—  ENSAD (National Graduate School of Decorative Arts): third-year film directing students enlist the talents of graphic design student at ENSAD to create their film credits. Students in the Producing and Distribution Departments then collaborate with the same graphic designers to come up with a poster for each of the six films made in that school year.

Furthermore, La Fémis has forged closer ties with these institutions as a member of the PSL Research University (Paris Sciences et Lettres, an alliance of some 20 higher education and research institutions) and created the “art and design doctorate” of the Science Art Creation Research (SACRe) programme.

Among the other bodies under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture, a work programme, on the subject of music research and new tools for film design, has been developed with IRCAM as part of a learning programme, mainly involving students from the school’s Sound Production Department plus an artistic partnership between directing students and composers in residence at IRCAM.

La Fémis also organises common learning modules with other teaching institutions:
—  École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière (under the responsibility of the Ministry for Higher Education): in their third year, students in the Production Design Department create a set in the École Louis Lumière’s film studio for the films made by the students at this school.
—  CFA des comédiens/Studio de Théâtre d’Asnières: Acting Workshop: this acting workshop led by an actor or director gives students at La Fémis the opportunity to direct one or more actors training at the CFA picked by the School’s directing students.
—  HEC Paris: students in the Producing, Distribution or Cinema Management departments at La Fémis have the opportunity to take part in a “Creating a company” seminar with students at HEC business school.

The School is also a partner of Université Rennes 2 as part of a project with the National Research Agency (ANR) developed by Gilles Mouëllic that explores the relationship between technology and aesthetics in partnership with Switzerland and Canada, associating a research lab and a top film school in each country.
It is also associated with the “Modelling Imaginations, Innovation and Creation” Chair launched by Télécom ParisTech and this same university.

International exchange programmes

As president of the European Grouping of Film and Television Schools (GEECT) and its participation on the Executive Council of the International Association of Film and Television Schools (@|LIENe14dda9|W0NJTEVDVC0+d3d3LmNpbGVjdC5vcmdd|@), La Fémis is an active member of the European Film School Network.

Each year the School also organises a seminar bringing together some thirty representatives of European film schools European Film School Network Seminar).

La Fémis also capitalises on its relations with overseas schools to put in place numerous exchange programmes with international students.
Since 2006, these exchange agreements have given students the chance to study from between two and six weeks at a film school outside of France. While there, they attend lectures and practical classes and are fully immersed in the school life of the host institution.

In 2013, La Fémis organised 10 exchange programmes across all departments:
—  Columbia University (New York - US) for screenwriting students,
—  École Cantonale des Arts de Lausanne (Switzerland) for editing students,
—  Universidad del Cine ’FUC (Buenos Aires - Argentina) and CalArts (Los Angeles - US) for directing students,
—  Tokyo University of the Arts (Yokohama - Japan) and KAFA (Seoul - South Korea) for producing students,
—  INSAS (Belgium) for continuity students,
—  Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg - Germany) for cinematography students,
—  VGIK (Moscow - Russia) for sound production students,
—  Hochschule Für Fernsehen und Film - HFF (Munich - Germany) for distribution/cinema management students,
—  Film and Television Institute of India (Pune - India) for production design students.

In return, La Fémis welcomes students from these schools for specific training programmes. The directors of these schools regularly discuss the content and objectives of each exchange to ensure it is a valuable complement to the student’s programme, improves their knowledge of film in the host country and helps them to develop solid contacts with students and industry professionals.

La Fémis has partnered up with other European film schools (London Film School, DFFB, etc.) with which it organises development workshops aimed at its recent graduates (Low Budget Film Forum and Making Waves) supported by the EU’s MEDIA programme.