Professional associations

To help students find jobs in the industry by facilitating contacts with their peers, the School has opened its doors to the majority of professional associations in the film and audiovisual sector.

Committed to keeping abreast of the latest film trends, La Fémis invites professional associations representing every discipline in the film and audiovisual sector to hold general assemblies, meetings and screenings on its premises.

Among these associations, the School has strengthened ties with the AFC, the association of directors of photography, which since 2000 has held the Micro Salon at La Fémis every February, a trade exhibition that invites companies from the industry to present the latest technological innovations to an informed audience. The AFC also organises a premier each month of a film shot by one of its members.
This bridge between the School and the industry allows students to meet their future peers and get acquainted with the everyday reality of their chosen craft.

A number of professional associations for film technicians are housed at La Fémis, either individually or as part of a federation (such as the costume designers association AFCCA):

  • Association of supporting artist and casting managers (ACFDA)
  • Association of documentary directors (ADOC)
  • Association of property masters (AFAP)
  • Association of directors of photography (AFC)
  • Association of steadicam operators (AFCS)
  • Association of sound engineers, boom operators, sound editors and mixers (AFSI)
  • Association of editors
  • Association of casting directors (ARDA)
  • Association of film and TV directors, Groupe 25 Images
  • Association of art directors (ADC)
  • Association of production directors (@|LIEN6b80603|W0FEUC0+d3d3LmRpcmVjdGV1cmRlcHJvZHVjdGlvbi5jb21d|@)
  • Association of production assistants in fiction (AFAR)
  • Association of fiction camerapersons
  • French association of assistant directors (AFRC)
  • Association of directors of commissioned films, La compagnie des Réals
  • Association of location managers (ARC)
  • Association of special effects and computer graphic designers in Post-Production Cinematography (TIPPI)
  • Association of assistant camerapersons (@|LIEN6b80603|W0FPQS0+d3d3LmFvYXNzb2NpZXMuZnJlZS5mcl0=|@)

The School also hosts Les Lecteurs Anonymes, a network of screenplay development professionals, the association of production design industries (@|LIEN6b80603|W01BRC0+d3d3Lm1hZC1hc3NvLm9yZ10=|@) and the association of still photographers (PPA).

Many professional organisations meet at the school for assemblies or screenings: the national grouping of experimental cinemas (GNCR), the French association of art-house cinemas (AFCAE), the union of independent producers (@|LIEN6b80603|W1NQSS0+d3d3Lmxlc3BpLm9yZ10=|@), the National French Film Commission, and the agency for regional film development (ADRC).