Overview of Documentary film workshop

The “documentary film workshop” aims to teach professional participants both knowledge and know-how: from writing and directing documentary films to forming your own personal network of professionals.
Professional training is over 9 months (part-time), available to 12 participants, designed to develop a documentary film project and produce a first draft.
Target audience: audiovisual and live performance professionals and writers wishing to develop a creative documentary film project.
- Develop a documentary film project by defining its isues, its directing and producing choices.
- Compile a documentary film dossier to be presented to a producer, a distributor or a funding council.
- Produce the first cut of a short film to test out your directing choices and support the film presentation dossier.
- Further your knowledge and critical analysis skills of different forms of documentary film writing.
- Situate your project in the documentary production and distribution landscape and develop your professional network.
- Pitch and promote your documentary film project.
This workshop is opened only to French-fluent participants who will work on a French-written dossier.
Here is the full and updated presentation in French, with admission process infos and dates, session dates, application and tuition fees, etc.
Helena Fantl
Project Manager
+33 (0)1 53 41 21 42